KRISTUS DAN MELKISEDEK (Melihat Model Keimaman Kristus dalam Kitab Ibrani)


  • Christian Rizky Poli Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Kalvari
  • Adrian Bany Kansil


Christ, Melchizedek, priesthood, covenant, Bible


The book of Hebrews is the only book in the New Testament that discusses the superiority of
Jesus Christ, especially in discussing His status as High Priest. Even though Jesus is a
descendant of Judah, He is the Royal Priesthood according to the Melchizedek ordinance.
The legality of the title of High Priest is important to mention because traditionally, the
descendants of Levi are the heirs of the priestly line. Narrative explanations related to
prophecies in Genesis and Psalms are needed to construct a strong argument that Jesus
fulfills the requirements of the High Priesthood. This research was conducted with a
qualitative descriptive method, to explain the theological principles regarding Christ and
Melchizedek in the Book of Hebrews. Qualitative research has an exegesis study approach,
with literary analysis of the text, and grammatical analysis. The purpose of this study is to
authenticate Melchizedek as an illustration to explain the validity and superiority of Christ's
priesthood as the Messiah and exalt Him as the true Priest and King.


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